It is our prayer that adults and children would be ministered to in the most effective way possible. Our highest priority at Calvary Chapel Sierra Vista is to see your children receive the salvation of the Lord and then nurture their spiritual growth. Therefore we provide an environment where all may worship God and learn of Him.
What We Believe
We believe in bringing our children to Jesus in a setting appropriate to their age and learning level. We feel that children can be more effectively ministered to in an environment designed for their attention span and level of comprehension; therefore we ask that children under the age of seven attend the classes that we provide for them. We do not desire to contradict the Lord’s command to “Permit little children to come unto Him and forbid them not.” Luke 18:16. To the contrary, a team of committed individuals and excellent teaching staff assemble each week to love, teach and guide your children in a godly way in classrooms and nursery care.
What We Teach
Our curriculum and teaching materials are Biblically based and are consistent with what Calvary Chapel represents to our community. We believe that we should give God praise and make our requests known to Him and that children’s worship should stir the heart. We teach the Bible’s instruction on how to worship God. We encourage many hands-on activities that utilize as many of their senses as possible. A complete training program is available for those who wish to participate in ministering to children. Please join us in prayer and support as we plan and coordinate this important ministry for your family.
When We Meet
Children’s Ministry classes are available from nursery through 6th grade at each of our services. SEEDS meets on Saturday evenings at 6 PM and Sunday morning at 9 AM and 11 AM. Pre-Register your children for our Children's Ministry Services by clicking here.
Want to get involved?
Click here to print, complete, and return application.
Contact Information
Call the office at 520.378.1020