What is PAL?
PAL is a free Christian Support for parents of loved ones who struggle with addiction. (Participants must be 18 or older...)
PAL group educational topics and discussions will highlight:
Addiction cycle, traits and behaviors, delayed emotional growth, role of family, releasing your loved ones, emotional detachment, setting realistic boundaries, accepting consequences, enabling behaviors, financial strings, steps of recovery, and recognizing relapses.
"With new learning, we can reach a point, where no matter what our loved one does, we will either know what to do, or where to go for help."
Suggestions are offered in place of advice and encouragement is provided in place of judgement.
"When we focus on changing the way we help our loved ones, rather than trying to change them, it gives us realistic hope." - Mike Speakman - Founder of PAL, 2006.
When do they meet?
They meet every Monday from 6 PM - 7 PM in Building B.
Contact Information:
Interested? Contact Becky at 520-559-1350 or sign-up via e-mail svazreb@aol.com